Major Schedule Problems

Most of should have received your schedules for the upcoming school by now. Due to a computer glitch, all choir students, both Center and non-Center, were randomly placed in any choir. The shedules that you received are most likely incorrect. I spent about 3 hours with Mrs. Meagher, the assistant principal in charge of curriculum, fixing all of your schedules. Please don't call the guidance offices about your schedules. They are now correct and you should be good to go on the first day of school. There is once concern that involves about 6 or 7 freshman girls. When we made the switch to the correct choir, it did not allow a space to take personal fitness or health this year. When looking for alternatives, Mrs. Meagher placed this group of girls in ROTC. The advantages of taking ROTC for the entire year are that you get a PE credit that you will need to graduate and you will not have to take health at any time. The other advantage is that you will not have to do it alone, as there is a group of you in this class. I'm sure that you can come up with the disadvantages. This will only affect those freshman girls who have chorus during 3rd period on the schedule that you received in the mail. It does not affect all girls that had chorus 3rd period, just 6 or 7. If this applies to you, you may want to contact the guidance department to check on your schedule and see if there are alternatives.